Friday, January 9, 2009

This is sooo tight

I watched this and realized a couple things:

1) Colin Munroe will be huge in 2009.

2) Colin Munroe, an up-and-comer, makes better music videos than 93.45% of mainstream artists.

For the first part, I don't mean big like Kanye, Wayne and Taylor Swift (still waiting for the collabo between those 3) but in a TV on the Radio "everybody will be listening to him on their iPods in a Starbucks" way. I am in the process of making a 2009 preview post (I did one last year, it went pretty well) and he will definitly be there.

As far as the second part, I don't know why certain artists are so much better than others. I got on the Munroe tip last year when his Flashing Lights remix video was so much better than the actual Flashing Lights video. How do people who have so much more resources get shown up by a relative unknown like Munroe? Creativity doesn't cost anything.

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