Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A-Rod Continues To Be A-Hole

Quick. Over/Under on how many Yankees will show up at Alex Rodriguez's post All-Star party at Jay-Z's 40/40 club. If I set the number at 1, which side will you choose? Actually, it won't matter because it's a push (I should work in Vegas). That's right, including Yankee Alex Rodriguez, there was one Yankee at Alex Rodriguez's party. Wow. Then again, who needs Jeter and Rivera when you've got this guy and her in your entourage. What you just looked at were Guy Oseary and Ingrid Casares, who are in Madonna's inner circle. Yeah Alex, way to distance yourself from the rumors that you aren't having an affair with the 50-year-old used up pop star. Too harsh?


Anonymous said...

Over/Under of the number of current Yankees that showed up at Derek Jeter's party at Marquee the same night. That's right, including Derek Jeter, there was one Yankee there. Mo doesn't do clubs, A-Rod and Joba were hosting their own parties and the rest were out of town because of the All-Star break.

FYI. Sometimes Page 6 leaves out details or only tells half the story.

Siempre Fresco said...

did i just get a comment? sick